Released on
World Day for Safety and Health
In recognition of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, Equinox Gold is proud to announce the winners of the company’s Chairman’s Safety Award, CEO Safety Achievement Awards, and COO Safety Award for Most Improved Site.
The Chairman’s Safety Award acknowledges the mine site with the best safety performance for the year. The winner for 2023 is Los Filos for having the lowest Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) at 0.68 per million hours worked.
The CEO’s Safety Leader Award recognizes individuals who have gone above and beyond their normal duties and displayed exemplary safety leadership. While there were worthy nominations from every site, the 2023 recipients are:
- 1st Place – Luis Rangel (Los Filos) for leading the development of 20 improvement projects that contributed positively to the safety performance of his work area and site.
- 2nd Place – Urai Guerreiro (Santa Luz) for initiating the installation of automatic valves on the elution tanks, eliminating the need for workers to climb 7 metres to manually operate the valves.
- 3rd Place – Joao Filho (Fazenda) for leading a project that allowed for non-destructive testing of leach tanks using alternate technology, eliminating the risk of working at heights or exposure to cyanide solution.
The COO’s Most Improved Safety Award for the mine with the greatest safety improvement relative to the previous year goes to Aurizona. They had the largest improvement among eligible sites1 with a TRIFR of 1.28, which is a 32% improvement over 2022. Additionally, Aurizona had the second lowest all injury frequency rate.
1. Los Filos was not eligible since it had already won the Chairman’s Safety Award.

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